
Straight From the Judge’s Mouth: An Inside Scoop From a Bikini Judge

Straight From the Judge’s Mouth: An Inside Scoop From a Bikini Judge

Why do you think the bikini division has boomed in the recent years?

First, all sports are about genetics. Judges are looking for an athletic physique.  Some women actually prefer not to have as much muscle as a bodybuilder, physique or figure woman, and so they compete in bikini.

Top 3 Mistakes Competitors Make With Their Suit

Top 3 Mistakes Competitors Make With Their Suit
These top 3 mistakes are the most common in the bikini competition world. Read our tips to make sure you steer clear of these problems!

5 Things You Didn't Know About Show Day

5 Things You Didn't Know About Show Day
Our list of five things that will surprise you about show day is a must-read for anyone preparing to step on stage.